happy one-month-anniversary sale
To celebrate the one month anniversary of the Ebook version of Dinner at Dawn, it is now on sale for a limited time only. You can get it now for a whopping 40% off the original price, but only for … Continued
To celebrate the one month anniversary of the Ebook version of Dinner at Dawn, it is now on sale for a limited time only. You can get it now for a whopping 40% off the original price, but only for … Continued
ssssshhhhtt, you haven’t heard this from me, but a little hummingbird told me that there is a sale coming up for the ebook version of Dinner at Dawn pretty soon to celebrate its one-month anniversary….. 🤫
I for one, still prefer having an actual book in my hands over an ebook, so I’m very proud to let you all know that the paperback version of Dinner at Dawn is now available on Amazon!