The first reviews are trickling in…
As the first reviews are trickling in, I couldn’t be happier! Just two more days and Dinner at Dawn will be published on Amazon, but you can already pre-order your copy now right HERE
As the first reviews are trickling in, I couldn’t be happier! Just two more days and Dinner at Dawn will be published on Amazon, but you can already pre-order your copy now right HERE
Just to let you know, Dinner at Dawn is up for pre-orders now at Be the first to get your very own copy! It will also become available in Kindle Unlimited.
For anyone interested in getting a FREE Advance Review Copy, please visit Booksprout. There are only twenty copies available, so be quick!
Finally, after all my hard work, the moment is finally here; The first, and hopefully only, proofread is ordered! If all goes well, soon everyone will be able to order it! 🙂 My Proofcopy
While I’m typing away, my cat is taking it all in stride and decided to get some shut eye for the both of us. Way to keep me motivated Kiba!
I can be quite indecisive sometimes– read: all the time– but I finally finished the design of the cover. With some much-needed help, from friends, both in real life as well as online, and several liters of tea, I actually … Continued
Good news! Dinner at Dawn is in the final stages of being edited, and after some small adjustments will be released soon! In order to celebrate and give you a sneak preview of what you can expect I’m happy to … Continued