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Hello everyone,

I always get asked where my inspiration for the Himura Saga comes from, and it’s kind of hard to explain, as there is not one source. Everything inspires me, artwork, music, movies/books, even historic articles can spark my inspiration and get my creative juices flowing. When I was young and dare I say, we didn’t have social media etc, I was already collecting pictures, photos, and postcards that inspired me. I would cut and paste them into word documents and could look at them for hours. Over the years I ran into a beautiful medium called Pinterest. A HUGE collection of pictures and articles free to see for everyone. It even allows you to create different boards and based on what you like/collect it makes suggestions. I’m a huge fan and used it for many years. And that’s how slowly a mood board came into existence for the Himura Saga.

Mind you, it’s not a collection of characters designs or artwork created for the series, it’s just a collection of pictures that to me call forth the idea, the concept of the Himura Saga. So I thought I’d share it with you all. Feel free to follow me 🙂

Himura Saga moodboard