Scouting for beta-readers

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Snacks at Sunrise is almost ready for formatting, and I’m looking for beta-readers to give me some constructive feedback on it. How does beta reading work?

– I’ll send you a (digital) copy of the book (either via or as a word document via email.)
– you snuggle up on the couch, bed, beach towel, or wherever else you like to read and read the book.
– Once you’re done, you answer a few questions I have prepared for you on your likes, dislikes, etc. Of course, you’re more than welcome to add any comments, feedback, etc you feel I should know. 
– You send the questionnaire and your comments back to me, preferably within two weeks give or take. (We don’t want to leave the rest of the readers waiting too long, now don’t we? )

Slight warning though, there is some mention of abuse and dubious consent, so if that’s not your thing…

For those of you who are interested, please comment here, or send me an email at with ‘Beta-reader’ in the subject line, and tell me why you want to beta read Snacks at Sunrise, and I’ll get in touch with you asap. And who knows, you might be the first to read Snacks at Sunrise!